The Very First National Park Turns 150
It’s not just the first national park in the U.S. It’s the first national park in the world. In March, 1872, American president Ulysses S. Grant signed into law the...
read moreWhat You Need to Know to Hike or Bike Europe's Most Famous Pilgrimage Trail
It's been a physical test of spirituality since the Middle Ages. And more recently, Christian pilgrims have been joined by active travel enthusiasts on the Camino de Santiago, a 500-mile...
read moreThe World's First Underwater Ride Share: Now You Can Take a 'ScUber' in Australia's Great Barrier Reef
Forget about 'surge' pricing on an Uber ride – how about 'submarine' pricing? Hailing a 'ScUber' in Australia's Great Barrier Reef will get you a $3000 AUD charge to your Uber...
read moreThe Longest Suspension Bridge In North America Has Opened and it Overlooks America's Most Visited National Park
More than 10 million people every year travel to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park – that's more people than visit the Grand Canyon, Yosemite and Yellowstone parks combined! And...
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